This question technically does not relate to plurality but does relate to dissociation... which this Fandom wiki is basically the only place where it's talked about a lot.
Recently, I've noticed whenever I'm stressed, even if it's somewhat mild, I tend to heavily dissociate from my surroundings and just myself in general, with the most recent heavily dissociative experience including me feeling a sense of just... everything feeling unreal, my vision going somewhat blurry (Not being able to focus on anything if I don't put considerable effort into doing it.), and terrible motor control (Example being unable to walk in a straight line without putting effort into doing so, and also my legs feeling like they are being put under intense weight while doing so.), plus speech seeming somewhat... different to how I usually talk, with it being more quiet and reserved than usual. Also, add on the voices that I hear inside of my head whenever that stress does come up.
So... just wondering if any of y'all can relate to this.