Hi, I'm Luke. I'm 14-15 y/o. I'm a fictive/EP
I like music, science, and video games.
I don't care what gender I date, I'm also cisgender.
Face-claim below:
(Hey, look, it's me!)
Hi, I'm Luke. I'm 14-15 y/o. I'm a fictive/EP
I like music, science, and video games.
I don't care what gender I date, I'm also cisgender.
Face-claim below:
(Hey, look, it's me!)
We're so fuckin tired rn tbh. if yall wanna chat with us on out message wall, im up for it :3 -finn
Like where TF are the other sys's ???? WHERE R U GUYSSSSSSSSS PLZZZZZZZ
Why cant all abusers JUST DIE?? my god
You know id say "send all abusers 2 the depths of hell" but thatd be 2 kind. 2 FUCKING KIND. people R deplorable!!!! -RK
Its literally my fav song 🤭😈 -Nathan (Nate)
holy shit im actually here 4 once LOL
Uuuhh hi..... these fuckers never let me front haaha
If anyone wants 2 talk im up 4 it IDK
Name: RK (RoadKill)
Age: IDK honestly. kinda just age-ambiguous LOL
Species: Demon. i feel like our brain convinced me personally that i was evil in some way, for being angry so much. i also think that im kinda a visual representation of our abusers, and how we see them as demons, evil, etc.
Role: persecutor-protector / avenger (that is such a stupid fucking term like bro im not fuckin a super hero)
Personality: Khylo described me as "the lad who laughs 2 much" yeah that sums it up. but srsly? I'm rude, blunt, snappy, and i dont take shit from anyone.
Typing quirk: im very lazy when it comes 2 typing, but i tend to capitalize acronyms used in day-to-day text. ex: LOL, TBH, LMFAO, etc.
Khylo says that my 'stick-to-it' type attitude helps in certain situations. i agree TBH. ANYWAYS BYE LOLOL HAHAHHA -rk
What disorder did you think you had before you found out you were a system? Finn (our host), thought he was schizophrenic because he was hearing voices. He also thought this because still had imaginary friends. I'm glad that we know about our OSDD now, though. :)
EDIT: I just want to make it clear that we are not *claiming* to have schizophrenia whatsoeever (because I know damn well we do not have schizophrenia), Finnick just thought he had it at a young age. This is because he had no other terms to describe what was happening to him. Just though I'd clear that up, so none of you misread the situation. -Jade (She/Her)
hi all <3 ! i’m dice, and i’m 90% sure i am a system. we’re traumagenic i believe, but i don’t know if we’re disordered or not.
h very new to this- but i’ve done research and a lot of internal thinking and questioning. we have two known facets- little one and lycelius. for the longest time whenever i had a breakdown, was stressed, overstimulated, etc. i described it as having different versions of me all living in my head. when i was stressed, the ‘little one’ (<- origin of his name) came out and pushed on all the buttons that controlled me. i felt shoved aside and had to fight to get my hands back on the control. it felt a lot like the headquarters in Inside Out, though instead of emotions they were… different. this happened (and happens still) very often, and the defining features of this ‘little one’ that came out was that they were selectively mute, age regressed, and little. when able to talk they used baby talk and typing quirks when typing.
since i found out about DID, i felt drawn to it but knew i didn’t have it. i shoved it aside, but then found out about OSDD and other plurality. i felt even more drawn to it, and this time couldn’t really shake that feeling.
doing research, little one made himself much more known. through gut feelings, i found out his pronouns, age, and other things. for example i know he loves baby blue and plushies. we’ve even somewhat communicated- though not through words. it’s kind of just.. sensing the feelings and thoughts as if they were your own, though they’re not quite.
as of now we identify as a median monoconscious system, possibly varion. i also am the host and blanketself, as the facets are very much that- versions of me with exaggerated traits or interests.
we have no amnesia blocks, also.
so… basically, my reasoning for typing all this out here is that i’m completely unsure if we are disordered or not. if we are… i’d like to try to get a diagnoses or something. it would bring me peace of mind and prevent myself from fakeclaiming us, which is hard for me not to do. it would also help us tell our family and friends and explain it to them.
the things i’ve heard about OSDD-1 are conflicting. some say they have less defined alters and little to no amnesia gaps, but others say it’s much like DID. i’ve heard that if you fit both criteria for OSDD-1a and 1b, then it’s just OSDD-1. what of this is true or false? of course various people’s experiences will be different, but they seem to be opposite from one another.
thanks anyone for listening and responding to this ramble, i hope this wiki is active enough for somebody to give some advice… thank you <3 !
System maskot - when a system makes a mascot (character) for alters to mask themselves from the outer world. kind of like making a character/OC to mask which alter is behind the mask. this isnt creating a alter, its just a character. Example is as followed: "(person) what is your name?" "(alter) my name is (insert system maskcots name here)" or "(person) Whats your pronouns?" "(alter) my pronouns are (insert system maskots pronouns here)" (please let me know if this is problematic or not, i feel like its not😭)
So like, a few months ago one of our littles fronted and couldnt switch back or hear any of us (probably got frontstuck..).. she got scared and then started crying and only then i fronted. And it happened a few days ago (well, yesterday) with another alter of ours but i was co fronting with her and she tried to go into headspace but couldnt? The thing is this has never happened before untill recently? Idk it probably is normal for systems its just that im undiagnosed and cant get a diagnosis untill im 18 or older.(parents dont believe us, lol) Would this be called "front stuck"? or something else? i know i dont do what those two alters did (yet) and i think im frontstuck (ive been in front for more than 10 days..), but i can go into headspace whenever i like i think (usually at night) but i choose not to. Its just they told me they couldnt like go into headspace at all. - 🦊🕊
I mish my home. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss everyone. I miss everything. I want to go home. I get us fakeclaimed so much and the host is doubting himself and his system for it. I want to go HOME. I want to tear this body apart because it looks,,, wrong. Its not me. Im not myself anymore. It feel awful. How can it be fair? How can me being ripped away from everyone be fair to me? I never asked for this.
- signed, Hunter noceda
Anyway, crisis moment, so im back at this wiki and looking at my old post
I see this wikis pretty inactive now :/
By "give me roles" i mean like list all the roles and what they do? I'm a singlet (i think) questioning if i'm a system and i'm trying to learn about systems and stuff and i don't really get the roles. Thank you :) -🦊🕊(he/they/it)
Now, i'm not endogenic or DID or anything. I'm a singlet(i think) just wondering if you are questioning if your a system. Can you use the term "endogenic" if u dont know if your DID, OSDD, anything else? I'm wondering if i'm a system or not and i don't want to be called "fake" or something because i haven't been to the doctor/therapist to know if i am one yet. idk i just don't want to be called fake because "i'm an endogenic" (i'm not anything but (i/we?) was going to use endogenic until i saw how much hate it got. And (i/we?) don't want to use the word "endogenic system" because of the hate and stuff)
Hi everyone! Zoe here. I'm kinda bored i dunno-
-Zoe >:3
I'm too lazy to count rn so heres everyone we have:
Another Leo but this ones a fictive
(Also, unsure if we're OSDD or DID :D)
Hey so if I were to write a story about Ticci Toby, but he has OSDD-1B, how would I go and write his character? I want to know this from actual systems, and not endos or people who think they know everything about systems. Sorry if that came off as rude or whatever, -M!Jeremy
Bonjour everyone :D
Currently fronting is M!Jeremy and Rayus, but here's the system introductions >0<
Rayus - co host, 17-19, he/it/they/xir, genderfck
M!Jeremy - trauma holder, 17-19, he/it/bite/rot, cisgender male
Niko - random azz alter, 14-18, she/it/sparkle/moon, agender
Charles/Yellow - host, 13-15, he/it/rot/spook/ratself, genderfaunet
D!Custard - little, 7-10, she/it/spark/sick, transfem
N!Tubbo - persecutor, 20-23, he/it/boom, demiboy
we all answer to the name cal
i guess this is sort of my introduction?? yeah so the body is 14, the current hosts are chat and cal
i'm chat, i handle most of our online day to day life and just in general stuff like that, whereas cal handles most of our irl day to day life, but of course sometimes i'll come around irl and sometimes cal likes to make an appearance online.
i'm 14, same as the body, i'm pansexual and use they/them pronouns, and i'm a leo, and i'm like 5'11, and my favorite color is purple!!
yeah!! its great to meet you guys, if you have any questions feel free to ask!!
-chat 🐌