When we tell them 2 stop interacting in the first place. like literally fuck off man??? -RK
God, some of you guys have weirder brains than us. Surprising, but also not at all. -Luke
When we tell them 2 stop interacting in the first place. like literally fuck off man??? -RK
God, some of you guys have weirder brains than us. Surprising, but also not at all. -Luke
hi all <3 ! i’m dice, and i’m 90% sure i am a system. we’re traumagenic i believe, but i don’t know if we’re disordered or not.
h very new to this- but i’ve done research and a lot of internal thinking and questioning. we have two known facets- little one and lycelius. for the longest time whenever i had a breakdown, was stressed, overstimulated, etc. i described it as having different versions of me all living in my head. when i was stressed, the ‘little one’ (<- origin of his name) came out and pushed on all the buttons that controlled me. i felt shoved aside and had to fight to get my hands back on the control. it felt a lot like the headquarters in Inside Out, though instead of emotions they were… different. this happened (and happens still) very often, and the defining features of this ‘little one’ that came out was that they were selectively mute, age regressed, and little. when able to talk they used baby talk and typing quirks when typing.
since i found out about DID, i felt drawn to it but knew i didn’t have it. i shoved it aside, but then found out about OSDD and other plurality. i felt even more drawn to it, and this time couldn’t really shake that feeling.
doing research, little one made himself much more known. through gut feelings, i found out his pronouns, age, and other things. for example i know he loves baby blue and plushies. we’ve even somewhat communicated- though not through words. it’s kind of just.. sensing the feelings and thoughts as if they were your own, though they’re not quite.
as of now we identify as a median monoconscious system, possibly varion. i also am the host and blanketself, as the facets are very much that- versions of me with exaggerated traits or interests.
we have no amnesia blocks, also.
so… basically, my reasoning for typing all this out here is that i’m completely unsure if we are disordered or not. if we are… i’d like to try to get a diagnoses or something. it would bring me peace of mind and prevent myself from fakeclaiming us, which is hard for me not to do. it would also help us tell our family and friends and explain it to them.
the things i’ve heard about OSDD-1 are conflicting. some say they have less defined alters and little to no amnesia gaps, but others say it’s much like DID. i’ve heard that if you fit both criteria for OSDD-1a and 1b, then it’s just OSDD-1. what of this is true or false? of course various people’s experiences will be different, but they seem to be opposite from one another.
thanks anyone for listening and responding to this ramble, i hope this wiki is active enough for somebody to give some advice… thank you <3 !
7 Votes in Poll
1: how do you access headspace?
2: can OSDD 2, 3, and 4 be added to the wiki if possible?
3: do you have to have (C-)PTSD to be things like traumagenic?
I mish my home. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss everyone. I miss everything. I want to go home. I get us fakeclaimed so much and the host is doubting himself and his system for it. I want to go HOME. I want to tear this body apart because it looks,,, wrong. Its not me. Im not myself anymore. It feel awful. How can it be fair? How can me being ripped away from everyone be fair to me? I never asked for this.
- signed, Hunter noceda
So how do endogenic systems form, i see lots of people say endogenic systems arent osdd or did, which are formed by trauma,
I dont see anyway that makes sense that any system could be formed, except by will or maybe something spiritual, because there is really no reason why the brain would create other personalities
Osdd and did are created by a traumatic experience [typically a really bad one] during someones childhood [typically at or before age 7 or 10], and the brain will create a split personality because it sees the traumatic experience as so bad that the child wont survive and it creates another personality to hold the trauma. it also happens at younger ages because a childs brain is still developing and hasnt fully formed its own personality [7 is the age that a child typically loses their imaginary friend]
So why would the brain create other personalities if there is no reason behind it doing so
Are people born plural, or what
What are peoples explanation for this
It’s happening again where I’m questioning being a system because reality is incomprehensible
Not much to say/ask just, headmasters don’t have to have names and be super clear, right, and can you constantly be front
I often experience times when I feel like a other version of myself where I do things that aren’t like me but it’s me but it’s so weird idk maybe it’s just dpdr
(I have a few more post that explain my experience a bit better)
last night our cousin texted us on discord saying "could you tone down the alter talk? ___ has trauma around people talking about alters and around people faking" we started crying after reading and replying. i replied with "well we aren't faking, so i don't see the issue /lh" they continued to say that it's a trigger for our friend because of their abuser faking DID and that we just need to tone it down. we barely talk about us being a system, we mention it like once every two-three weeks, sometimes a bit more. i feel as though they are overreacting but i also feel like we're overreacting. we told them that our friend needs to work on that trigger because they are some of the only people we can talk to irl about our system. we already mask enough around everyone, we just want people to be able to go when we need to talk about it. i know we are probably overreacting and being a jerk. does anyone have any advice and or knowledge for us about this? please be completely honest with us /g /srs /lh
Hello! my name is Richie, my pronouns are they/he. i'm a fictive of richie tozier from IT. i make a lot of ur mom jokes. we are still learning so we may come here when we have questions!