Tw: rant about anti-endos
Please people, we're going backwards. I thought humanity was finally progressing with their whole "harass people who aren't like me" issue but I guess not. Endogenic systems are not harming you so leave them the hell alone. Stop harassing them. Stop attacking them. Stop trying to convince them that they are the problem, because they aren't. YOU are the problem. Just because you don't understand them doesn't mean they're invalid. Their identities aren't hurting you, so just please shut up about it. Stop gatekeeping everything. "DNI endos, DNI endos" like SHUT UP PLEASE. You're genuinely making people question their existance just because you can't get it into your head that they aren't a problem. They aren't "posers". They aren't "faking". If they genuinely believe that they are a system then they aren't posing or faking. Posing and faking is when they know they're fake. I've actually cried before because I just want a safe place for me but every server I go to with pluralkit is "dni endos". Please, open your fcking eyes up and realize that these are real people too. You can't hide behind a screen and harass people, then turn around and say you "respect everyone as long as they aren't hurting anyone" because they aren't hurting anyone either. And it's mostly singlets saying these things. You can't say that endos are hurting you when you aren't even traumagenic. It shouldn't be your problem.