Multiplicity and Plurality Wiki
Multiplicity and Plurality Wiki

A Cloud Sidesystem, or Orbital Sidesystem, is a sidesystem that floats around, it can connect to any other sidesystem that is in the system/polyplex, while still being very distinct from the other sidesystems. The term Cloud Sidesystem was coined on August 29 2021 by Icarus Oblivion, and Orbital Sidesystem was coined as an alternative by goldtenhanna#7902 on Discord[1].

A cloud system may form a temporary bridge to another sidesystem, making it partially a part of the other sidesystem


The flags were all designed on the same day as the term was coined by Icarus Oblivion, and have no confirmed meaning.

  1. Cloud System/Orbital Sidesystem by icarusoblivion on Tumblr