Multiplicity and Plurality Wiki

This page discusses potentially triggering topics. This can include discussions related to trauma, abuse, mature themes, or bigotry. If you are not in a good mindset, please do not read this page.

TW: This article contains sensitive or potentially triggering content regarding abuse. Please take care when reading if you are sensitive to such content.

An enforcer is a sub-type of persecutor who enforces the “lessons” learned through abuse against members of their own system. They may punish members of the system or the body with physical or emotional pain for disobeying the desires of abusers. This type of role does not often happen spontaneously; it’s nearly always forcefully created by abusers who tell them that if they don’t do this job, the system will be hurt worse.

Related Terms[]

Disciplinarians are similar to enforcers, but less frequently coerced into the role through abusers directly, and imprisoners may be a type of enforcer in some systems.

Programming is associated with this role.
