Multiplicity and Plurality Wiki

Fucktives, also known as fcktives or faitives, are introjects somewhere in between factive and fictive. The term is purposefully vague because the experience of having a fucktive is different for everyone. They may be an introject of somebody else's fictive, or they may be an introject of a fictional character that falls on the cusp of being real and fake. For example, somebody with a Darkiplier introject may refer to them as a 'fucktive', since while Markiplier is a real person, Darkiplier is a "fictional" character. The same as with factives and fictives, fucktives may act different, or go by alternative names, depending on the person[1].

Fogtive and fuzztive are two related terms.

History and Flag[]

The term fucktive was coined by Our World's End Gate, Frozen City System, GreySkies, and the Wanderheart Collective. The exact date or post is unknown, but both the Plurality Wiki[2] and the Pluralpedia[3] credit them. The flag was designed by johannassystemblogs on Tumblr on July 27, 2019[4].


  1. Plurality-Hub carrd with definitions for many plural terms. [1]
  2. Plurality Wiki page on fucktives. [2]
  3. Pluralpedia page on fucktives. [3]
  4. Johanna's System's post on tumblr with the fucktive flag design. [4]