Multiplicity and Plurality Wiki

The following information was originally published on Pluralpedia, and is being published here for additional archiving purposes. You can find the Pluralpedia article for this page here.

A perinaut is an alternative to the term co-host. It's a headmate who is not necessarily in charge of daily life, but is still performs an integral external role. They may orbit the front frequently too. A system may have multiple or no perinauts.


Perinaut was created specifically for the Blossom bot, but after the shutdown, the Future Hope Collective created a coining post for their terms, to create a proper citation.

Related Terms[]

It was coined with the term outernaut, but the suffix has been used later on with dissonaut & bionaut. It seems to be based off "astronaut", as they are both individuals who explore and exist in outside worlds; whether it be space, or the shared reality.

Some systems have issues with the term co-host, as it can imply a certain hierarchy in the collective.
