Multiplicity and Plurality Wiki

This page discusses potentially triggering topics. This can include discussions related to trauma, abuse, mature themes, or bigotry. If you are not in a good mindset, please do not read this page.

Spinners are alters that “spin” emotions, memories, and physical sensations throughout the whole system, usually when triggered. Internal visuals are often used to enforce this idea, like hurricanes or vortexes, and some systems describe pressure, dizziness, and physically spinning when this happens. Typically, the things being “spun out” are negative (flashbacks, somatic pain, destructive impulses, etc.), but spinners can learn to “spin out” positive things instead.

Related Terms[]

Spinning is associated with forms of ritualistic and organized abuse. Gatekeepers may be able to prevent some of the spinning, and barriers between layers or sidesystems may stop it as well.
