Multiplicity and Plurality Wiki
Endophobic flag

Anti "fake systems" flag by urfavisendophobic

There are many different words for system exclusionists; that is, systems who adhere only to the medical model of plurality and believe that only systems with Dissociative Identity Disorder and Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (specifically only the subtypes OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b of this disorder) are true systems.

The discourse between exclusionists and inclusionists can fall under the "syscourse" umbrella.[1]

Policy note: Please note that vandalizing this wiki or telling individuals that they are not real due to system exclusionist beliefs is not tolerated, as this wiki is pro-endogenic. On the flip side, using the word traumascum is also not tolerated.

Terms for exclusionists[]

They are varying levels of accepted and offensive terms for this within the community.

  1. Traumascum: The original term for system exclusionists, coined by ActingNT. This term is largely not accepted and used within the community[2], due to its implication that DID/OSDD-1 exclusionists are scum, and that they are specifically scum because they are traumatized.
    • In addition to these reasons, there are allegations that ActingNT is a sexual predator towards minors,[3][4] as well as other controversies.[5][6] Many community members do not support ActingNT because of this.
  2. Pluscum/Plurscum: A term proposed as an alternative to traumascum (but not coined)[7] by Grey Skies and The Network. This term is also less frequently used due to the -scum ending. Other plurals, including The Crisses, have spoken out on Twitter against the term[8], due to it having "scum" in it.
  3. Sysmed/Sysmedicalist: The term that is most commonly used by the plural community for system exclusionists - similar to truscum being derived from "true transsexual scum", sysmedicalist is derived from "transmedicalist", with the rationale that similar to individuals who believe you need dysphoria to be trans, system exclusionists believe you need trauma/a diagnosis of a dissociative disorder to be a system, and that sysmedicalists behave similarly to transmedicalists and TERFs.[9][10] Individuals who have been called sysmeds have objected to the term, saying that it creates a false equivalency, is anti-recovery and is manipulative.[11][12]
  4. Syskeeper, coined as an alternative to sysmed as a way to distance system gatekeepers from transmeds.[13]
  5. Endophobe, a term specifically referring to exclusion, fake-claiming, hatred or bigotry towards endogenic systems. Some systems avoid using this term as the shortening of endogenic, endo, was first popularized by exclusionists.


In response to being labeled as these terms, tumblr user urfavisendophobic created an "endophobic" pride flag,[14] for "traumagenic systems who hate endogenic systems and other fake systems", representing their positive side of endophobia. An alternate flag for this identity was also created by endo-lies on Tumblr[15], with a more negative connotation (one stripe representing hatred of endogenic systems).

There has been controversy regarding the flag's similarity to a flag for gay men and vice versa.[16] The creator of the pride flag for gay men has stated that he does not think it is an issue that there are many similar-looking flags for large communities.

See also[]


Some references discuss potentially disturbing content, including pedophilia.

  1. syscourse, Wiktionary
  2. Plurals' opinions on the term "traumascum"
  3. Warning post about ActingNT (TW: pedophilia, abuse, battery, sexual harassment, ableism and coercion)
  4. Misandrist Medusa's screenshots (here and here) showing ActingNT considering making a move on a 16/17-year-old boy as a 24-year-old adult
  5. Tumblr post in which ActingNT tells a disabled person that it is wrong to not view oneself through the social model of disability
  6. Tumblr post in which ActingNT says "I don't care" regarding allegations that someone posted child porn
  7. Discussion about traumascum on Tumblr
  8. The Crisses about pluscum on Twitter
  9. eeveecraft defining sysmed on Tumblr
  10. gendertech on sysmeds on Tumblr
  11. switchcase on the term sysmed on Tumblr
  12. dissociatingdingo on sysmed on Tumblr
  14. Endophobic flag by urfavisendphobic
  15. Endophobic flag by endo-lies on Tumblr
  16. Flag similarities by gayflagblog