Multiplicity and Plurality Wiki
Multiplicity and Plurality Wiki

System responsibility is a concept touted in the plural community in which a system agrees to take responsibility for any negative effects or problems that occur due to their being plural. This can come in the form of (for example) a system taking responsibility for an unruly or hostile system member causing harm, or a system ensuring that they enter therapy if they cannot control each other and be healthy individuals. This ensures that both plurals and singlets can interact with each other without having to worry about plurality being used as a "get out of jail free" card when it comes to mistakes, and dissuades those who would want to use it as an excuse.

It is not considered acceptable in the community to dodge responsibility for one's actions or use plurality as an excuse for harmful behaviors. Even if you're stressed and struggling you should reach out for help or keep away from others till you and the rest of your system is deemed healthy to interact with others. Plurality is not a game, and plurality is never an excuse for causing harm to others. If you know you're plural and you're at risk for harming others you should take the steps necessary to get help and get to a healthier state of mind.
