Multiplicity and Plurality Wiki
Multiplicity and Plurality Wiki

The following information was originally published on Pluralpedia, and is being published here for additional archiving purposes. You can find the Pluralpedia article for this page here.

A warden is a sub-type of protector that keeps the system safe from malicitors, trechtors, and persecutors by acting as a barrier between persecutors and other headmates. Wardens may act as a communicator for a persecutor to others (and vice versa). They may also keep persecutors separated from the rest of the headmates for the safety of others with the express intent of rehabilitation and/or reform - not punishment.[1]

The term is derived from the name of a chief officer of a prison in the United States - called a superintendent, governor, or director in other parts of the world. Warden as a plural term was originally inspired by Caroline and Justine from Persona 5.

The persecutor counterparts of wardens are called imprisoners.

